Found in the Fells
The Found in the Fells website www.FoundintheFells.com primarily focuses on the plants of the Fells and has three components:
1. A page for each month
2. Details about the floral surveys that have been and are currently being done
3. A gallery of images of wildflowers found in the Fells.
The purpose of the month-by-month pages is to inform any prospective hiker, casual walker or biker, that you will be rewarded if you know what to look for, what to expect to see, any given month of the year.
Biodiversity, or the number of different species living interdependently in a natural system, is a measure of the health of that system. Zoologists have been surprised to find not only foxes and deer in the Fells but coyote and fisher-cat. A botanical survey, still underway, has so far discovered an amazing six hundred different species of plant in the Fells dismissing doom-sayers who assumed that the Fells was becoming degraded.
I specialize in photographing the native wildflowers that are in surprising abundance in the Middlesex Fells, but I hope that this might develop into a more comprehensive and communal site where others also report their findings of the nature of the Fells both animal and vegetable. Indeed this is already happening. What have you found in the Fells? Do let us know.
Thank you,
Bryan Hamlin

APRIL - Bloodroot
MAY - Wild Columbine (rocky areas woods)
MAY - Lady Slipper
JUNE - Venus's Looking Glass
(sunny meadows)
APRIL - Round-lobed
Hepatica (woods)
JULY - Lilium canadensee
(woodland swamps)
AUGUST - Cardinal Flower
(stream-beds in the woods)
SEPTEMBER - Nodding Ladies' Tresses Orchid
(damp sunny places)
Indian Pipe (woods)
YEAR ROUND - Striped Wintergreen (woods)