Virginia Wood                          Photo: Mike Ryan
The Fells – and the Friends – appreciates your help!

There are many ways of helping the Friends of the Middlesex Fells Reservation to preserve and protect the Fells now and for future generations.  The following outline describes common gift methods.  For more information, please write: Friends of Middlesex Fells Reservation, PO Box 478, Stoneham, MA, 02180; or email: or phone: 781.662.2340

Gifts by Check
Simply make out your check to “Friends of the Fells” and mail it to us at: PO Box 478, Stoneham, MA 02180.   Your charitable gift is tax-deductible.

Direct Contribution
Simply visit the Membership page of this website!

Gifts of Securities
Ask your financial advisor about the tax benefits of donating appreciated securities to the Friends of the Fells.

Matching Gifts
Many employers offer to match the charitable gifts of their employees.  If your company has this policy, ask your benefits office for instructions.

Gifts from your IRA
If you are age 70½ or older, you may make cash gifts totaling up to $100,000 a year from your traditional or Roth IRA to qualified charities without incurring income tax upon withdrawal. The provision is effective for tax years 2006 and 2007 only, so you must act by December 31 to take full advantage.  

Planned Giving – Bequests
A bequest – providing for the Friends of the Fells in your will – is perhaps the simplest form of a planned gift.  In most cases, the language can be brief and straightforward, such as:

“I hereby give Friends of the Fells, a Massachusetts non-profit organization, a bequest of $_____ to be used for its general charitable purposes.”

Please be sure to let us know about your decision, so your gift can be properly acknowledged.

Qualified Pension Plans
Designating Friends of the Fells as the beneficiary to your IRA, Keogh, or other qualified pension plan can have significant tax benefits to you and your survivors.  Assets in these plans accumulate without being taxed, but when they are distributed, substantial taxes can result.  Designating a charity as the beneficiary, while leaving other types of assets to surviving family members, can maximize your ability to provide for both your family and the charity.

Life Insurance
Life insurance can be used to maximize the power of the charitable gifts you can afford to make.  It can also be a versatile wealth replacement tool for estate planning.  For instance, if you name Friends of the Fells as the owner and the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, all premiums you pay will be tax-deductible gifts and, upon your death, the Trust will receive the full benefits of the policy.  Additionally, the cash value of the policy, accumulating over time, can be accessed should the charity need it.

Friends of the Fells 2010 Annual Appeal

Nature needs protection! 
For more than two decades
he Friends of the Fells has
worked to uphold the
spirit that honors the
precious natural beauty –
the wildness – of the Fells.
During a time of rapidly
vanishing open spaces it
has been rewarding to unite
with increasing number
of citizens who have joined
in the mission to value and
protect this rare oasis.

Development threats:
The campaign to protect
the Fells from impacts of
the “Langwood Commons”
project proposed for the
former hospital site across
from Spot Pond has now taken a new turn. This October the Friends joined with more than a dozen citizens to file a legal complaint in state court seeking a determination that damage to the environment will occur if the developers proceed further without complying with state statutes and regulations requiring continued environmental impact review of the project. 

This means that our campaign to ensure that whatever the developers build at the site is harmonious with the Fells and its historic parkways will continue.  This unprecedented citizens campaign to protect the Fells has been successful so far because of your generous donations – we have seen firsthand that there is power in giving!  We ask for your continued support.

We have our sites set high! In the year ahead, the Friends                     

will continue to lead the fight to protect the Fells and continue to create programs that help everyone enjoy the Reservation.  Join us in these twin goals so that future generations can look back with gratitude for our efforts.

Please send your tax-deductible contribution today to help us protect and enhance the Fells Reservation!   You may
also contribute directly from the Membership page of this website!

Thank You!

Mike Ryan, Executive Director
Bryan Hamlin, Board Chairman

Friends of the Middlesex Fells Reservation
PO Box 478, Stoneham MA 02180